Film screening:《On Happiness Road》《幸福路上》 Please click on the posters for more details and tickets

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Sep 15, 2018 -


University of the West Auditorium 1409 Walnut Grove Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770

2pm 《On Happiness Road》 (Mandarin/Taiwanese with English subtitles)

Immediately after film, Q&A with Te-Sheng Wei (魏德聖) voice actor as Wen

Movie Introduction

Forty years of Taiwanese history comes under review in this tender and powerfully nostalgic tale of the search for happiness. After the death of her grandma, a New York-based woman returns to her homeland in Taiwan. Her reunion with family, classmates and forgotten memories triggers a self-introspection about what she left behind. It covers her upbringing during taiwan's period of instability under martial law to present-day political realities. With a voiceover by actress Gwei Lun-mei and imaginative animation sequences, this charming autobiographic animation by first-time director Sung Hsin-yin is a breath of fresh air.

《On Happiness Road》


Our Story

What is the meaning of life? Or of happiness? On Happiness Road follows the journey of Chi as she struggles to find those very answers for herself. After chasing her American dream, Chi returns to Taiwan following the death of her grandmother. She reunites with her family on Happiness road, where she once lived. By reliving her lost memories, Chi is driven to reflect on what she left behind and what she must do to change her life going forward. 

A vibrant flick, this autobiography by first-time director Sung Hsin-yin uses animation to visually and symbolically reflect the collective memory of Taiwanese society, documenting its changes and questioning its values. Echoing the sweeping social changes in Taiwan during the past three decades, the film is an inspiring blend of nostalgia, aesthetics, and history. 

About the Director 

HsinYin was born in Taipei. She studied Film Theory in Kyoto University, later graduated from Columbia College of Chicago with a Master’s Degree in Film. Before becoming a filmmaker, HsinYin was a journalist, writer, store clerk at Kyoto karaoke and photographer. As a filmmaker, HsinYin is interested in using different film genres to explore universal relationships among people. She has a particular interest in finding the pace of a film through editing, like composing a piece of music. Her live action shorts such as The Red ShoesSingle Waltz have been screened at numerous international film festivals. Her first directing animation short won The Best Animation Award at 2013 Taipei Film Festival. On Happiness Road is her first animation feature, and she is also working on her first live action feature Love is a Bitch.






1975年小琪在一條叫做幸福路的街上長大,從小在骯髒的大排上看著工廠煙囪排放的廢氣,到她眼裡幻化成一朵朵的棉花糖,空氣中都是甜甜的化學草莓香,以為生活是這般的無憂。 但上了小學後,人生開始迎接煩惱。滿口流利的台語卻被老師禁止,從疑惑、不習慣,到後來的字正腔圓,不只小琪口中說的語言變了,整個台灣社會也跟著小琪成長一直轉變。順著台灣主流的價值走,即使偶爾岔路,小琪仍成為人生勝利組,還到了夢想的遠方生活。原本,她以為終於找到了幸福,卻還是徬徨度日。 當最愛的阿嬤過世,36歲的小琪終於回到幸福路上。老家變得更舊更髒,路口的骯髒大排水溝變成了親水公園。 鄰居羨慕她成為拉風的美國人,但小琪卻疑惑自己究竟是誰?小琪想起阿嬤總是說:「樹木都不會有煩惱的,妳幹嘛自尋煩惱?」站在此刻,小琪拼湊著青春的回憶,想尋找一份支持。 台灣這塊土地,能帶給她什麼樣的力量?



2017 釜山影展正式項目













桂綸鎂 | 林淑琪 

廖慧珍 | 林淑琪媽媽 

陳博正(阿西) | 林淑琪爸爸 

魏德聖 | 阿文表哥

導演 宋欣穎

編劇 宋欣穎


$10 regular – 9/15 On Happiness Road

$30 Premium – 9/15 On Happiness Road

$60 regular ticket for  9/14 & 9/15 screen + 9/15 luncheon

$100 Premium ticket for 9/14 & 9/15 screen + 9/15 luncheon

Presented by:

TUF 台灣人聯合基金會



Co-presented by:

Overseas Community AffairsCouncil, ROC (Taiwan)

Rosemead Chamber

Taiwan Academyin Los Angeles


Universityof the West


Gold Sponsor:                                      

Simon & Christine Cheng


Community Sponsor:

Best Western Plus ThousandOaks Inn

DSG Business, Tax &Wealth Planning

Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Los Angeles – Rosemead

Gene Lin