7:00pm to 7:30pm Q&A with Producer Te-Sheng Wei (魏德聖)
7:30pm KANO (J/Taiwanese with English subtitles)
"Kano" is a historical baseball film about an underdog youth team in Japanese-era Taiwan. Special Guest: Producer Te-Sheng Wei (魏德聖). Join us for a special screening in LA!
True victory lies between triumph and defeat.
In 1928 when Taiwan was under Japanese rule, the Kagi Agriculture and Forestry Public School(a.k.a KANO, short for its Japanesename KAGI-NORIN School) wasestablished to help develop the local agricultural potential. The KANO baseball team started outsimply as a sports club to improve the students’ physique. It never occurred to the team that the arrival of CoachKondo would completely transform them and help them leave a legacy thateventually became a legend.
To everyyoung baseball player, Koshien (Japan'shigh school baseball championship) is a dream palace. For a group of farmerboys like the KANO team, it was a goal far beyond their reach, but Kondoendeavored to make it possible. He gave the players extremely rigorous trainingand made the best use of the team’s multiethnic composition—Japanese, Taiwaneseand aboriginals—by appreciating their specific strengths.
Aftera year of intense training, the team was highly motivated and theirdetermination to win got stronger even after numerous defeats. Much to everyone’s surprise, thispreviously unknown team finally won the local championship and proudly marched into Koshien. Playing at Koshien in front of55,000 viewers was a dream-come-true not only for the KANO team but for Kondoas well.
Facingthe strongest opposing team, the KANO boys were struggling in the final game.The situation got tougher when their ace pitcher was wounded. Nonetheless the KANO boys showed true team spiritby rising to the challengetogether as one.
Burningtheir passion for baseball, these farmer boys from southern Taiwan just refused to surrender . . .
以台灣史上首支由台灣人、日本人和原住民組成的棒球隊,打進甲子園決賽的嘉農棒球隊為背景,描寫1931年台灣嘉義農林棒球隊的傳奇故事。當年這支台灣球隊打進日本甲子園,日本棒壇更給予其「天下嘉農」這群奮戰不懈的野球少年們極高評價。 在台灣紅葉棒球隊風靡全世界之前,1929年,台灣擁有一支「三族共和」嘉農棒球隊,新教練以「進軍甲子園」為目標,採取斯巴達式的嚴厲態度訓練球員,原本散漫的球隊在一年多的魔鬼訓練與屢屢落敗的刺激下,漸漸激發球員的求勝意志與前進甲子園的決心。 1931年,嘉農棒球隊一路過關斬將,打敗由日本人所組的常勝冠軍「台北商業隊」,成為首支在濁水溪以南並且贏得全島冠軍的野球隊外,更代表台灣去日本征戰甲子園。在五萬五千名觀眾面前,嘉農球員們奮而不懈的決心與永不放棄的精神感動了現場所有觀眾。 魏德聖此次率領曾為棒球校隊的馬志翔執導《KANO》,全片遍及台中、嘉義、台南、高雄進行取景拍攝,棒球隊演員全部啟用擁有五年資歷的青少棒選手參與演出。
導演 魏德聖
監製 黃志明
執導 馬志翔
$10 regular – 9/14 KANO
$30 Premium –9/14 KANO
$60 regular ticket for 9/14 & 9/15 screen + 9/15 luncheon
$100 Premium ticket for 9/14 & 9/15 screen + 9/15 luncheon
Presented by:
TUF 台灣人聯合基金會
Co-presented by:
Overseas Community AffairsCouncil, ROC (Taiwan)
Rosemead Chamber
Taiwan Academyin Los Angeles
Universityof the West
Gold Sponsor:
Simon & Christine Cheng
Community Sponsor:
Best Western Plus ThousandOaks Inn
DSG Business, Tax &Wealth Planning
Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Los Angeles – Rosemead
Gene Lin